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The leadership’s role also to establish a good knowledge of the employees. Thus, she realizes which strategies can help motivate and encourage employee dedication. This differential knowledge of leaders is also important in providing feedback, essential tools for worker and company growth. With the corporate governance Dubai you can now expect the best.


A responsible attitude at work is important for professionals to be committed to their duties. In addition, this social-emotional ability contributes to each one fulfilling their part coherently, assuming failures and successes.

corporate governance Dubai

Why develop the social and emotional skills of employees and leaders?

Developing socio-emotional skills in employees and leaders contributes to a better organizational climate and the establishment of greater maturity in the business environment. These skills enable us to form more mature, dedicated and committed teams with positive peer relationships.

This helps in facing challenges, enabling employees to be more willing and creative to solve difficulties. Socio-emotional skills create a more constructive and conducive learning environment.

Developing these skills in leaders is critical, as they are a source of inspiration and example for professionals. Leaders provide feedback, guidance, and engage in a series of employee interactions that are critical to the team’s dedication, encouragement, and motivation.

How to develop social and emotional skills in the team?

To develop social and emotional skills in workers and leaders, you can invest in various strategies. Training is important to improve these skills and to acquire knowledge about the subject.

In addition, it is important to encourage teamwork to promote the practice of knowledge acquired in the training of socio-emotional skills. Another important issue is to stimulate self-knowledge. Encourage readings on the topic, stimulate the pursuit of coaching and therapy, and motivate practitioners to become informed about the subject.

Socio-emotional skills are fundamental to the learning and growth of employees. They promote better coexistence and facilitate the accomplishment of cooperative work. With these skills, it is possible to develop a series of constructive alternatives for the business, strengthening the creativity and productivity of the team.

In short, it is a feedback loop! It consists of pointing out a person’s strengths and / or weaknesses in order to make them again, for example by showing an employee error so that they do not commit it again. Within the company, this return can happen in different ways. It can be from leader to leader or the opposite, according to the desired result. In any case, feedback is part of the corporate universe.

In the next topics, we will explain the importance of feedback to improve team performance, the different types, and how to integrate this technique into the organizational culture. For this reason, read on!

How do feedback help professionals and teams?

Sometimes feedback is seen as negative. Managers are afraid of misunderstanding by their subordinates, and employees are afraid of the content of the return. However, the reality is the opposite. Information feedback is one of the most important mechanisms for the growth of professionals and teams. When someone understands what they are doing wrong, they can grow. See the benefits of the next topics.

Reveals blind spots

All professionals have blind spots. Something weird or wrong they do and don’t even realize, like talking too fast or looking away. Well, feedback is great for revealing such blind spots. When a manager meets with his subordinates and explains what is not well, he often speaks of habits that even the employee did not know. As a result, it can consciously improve.